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Tri-Rail Coastal Link South Florida East Coast Corridor (SFECC) Transit Analysis Study

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Study Process

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Phase 1 began in 2005 and concluded in 2007. Phase 2 concluded in 2011. The study is well into Phase 3 and is gaining momentum as the team prepares to meet with the three regional MPO’s later this year prior to commencing the Project Development phase.

The SFECC Transit Analysis was begun as a Tiered Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) agreed that the process followed for Tier 1 Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (FPEIS) was consistent with the NEPA early scoping process, and is particularly useful in situations like this in a broad corridor where locally-preferred alternatives have not been identified and multiple transportation alternatives are under consideration. It was also agreed that this process would be continued through Phase 2 of the study. As a result, the Tier I FPEIS is considered an interim report and has been renamed the Conceptual Alternative Analysis/Environmental Screening Report (AA/ESR).

Phase 1:

Phase 1 of the study conducted a preliminary environmental screening of approximately 36 conceptual transit alternatives on a regional level consisting of combinations of service segment, alignment and modal technology. These alternatives were evaluat ed for their ability to meet the project's purpose and need using the following criteria: effectiveness, environmental impacts, cost effectiveness and equity. Phase 1 concluded with a recommendation to move forward into Phase 2 with 13 potential alternatives.

Phase 2:

Phase 2 of the SFECC followed a multi-step screening process to define, analyze, and refine the range of viable alternatives in terms of services, modal technologies and detailed alignments. Site-specific issues such as transit stations and operations and maintenance facilities have been identified and evaluated, as well as recommendations for highway and waterway crossings by the proposed transit service. Phase 2 concluded with the development of a corridor-length System Master Plan.

Phase 3:

Phase 3 is further refining the System Master Plan in conjunction with partners and stakeholders. Technical studies are ongoing to identify the viable Build Alternatives, evaluate potential initial phases for implementation, start-up infrastructure, station locations, and preliminary costs. The planning phase will conclude when viable Build Alternatives are identified, evaluated to ensure feasibility and endorsed by the project partners for further study in the subsequent Project Development phase. A public outreach program will continue to solicit input as the refinement efforts for the project continue.